Thursday, July 21, 2005

The religion of peace

It looks like terrorists have attacked the London underground again. Is it really that these are simply Muslims who don't understand their religion? The NY Daily News reported that a recent study showed that 68% of Palestinians with some college education think that suicide bombers blowing up women and children is a good thing. Interestingly, the poorer and less educated of Palestinians are less likely to support terrorism (although the numbers are still high - 46%). And these numbers are similar to other islamic countries. In Lebanon, for example, the number is 40% of the population supports terrorism and suicide bombers. Australian Prime Minister John Howard said today, "Terrorism is the enemy of all free people." What does that tell us about these Islamic nations? Will Congress ever wake up to what is going on in the world?


Anonymous said...

I find it strange that your example of an Islamic country should be Lebanon, given that half the Lebanese population are Christians and that they have been controlling the country since its foundation (it was separated from Syria by the French to create a state primarily for the Maronite (Catholic) population of the region). Maybe political circumstances (like being bombed to pieces by Israel through years and years) has as much if not more impact on people's attitudes towards the available methods of restistance (pitiful though they are) as religion? Just maybe. But the world is of course easier to understand you way.

Tom P. said...

I think this last comment is a good example of the lies that are believed by some people. Lebanon has until recently been occupied by Syria. If the person really believes that Lebanon has been run by Christians then they are in a very sad state of denial. In any case, I should have been more specific by saying that the survey was done in the Muslim population of Lebabnon and the numbers were similar in other Muslim countries. Look across the world and the only organized groups you see blowing up children are Muslims. Whether it is in Indonesia, India, Chechnya, Israel, the UK, or the US, the culprits are almost always Muslims. Perhaps our anonymous poster can explain why that is rather than trying to justify murder.

Anonymous said...

another anonymous:
It seems to me that you are using the following labels as related words:
terrorists, Muslims, Palestinians, Islamic nations.