Weis uses play called by 10-year-old boy dying of cancer
HatTip to Long or Short?
Weis uses play called by 10-year-old boy dying of cancer
HatTip to Long or Short?
So as you can see the good karma of BAFAB week works! So run out and buy a friend a book just because.
Update: Got a second one (3:20 PM). I think I must have been noticed.
Update II: Got a bunch more so I turned on word verification. The worst part was that the spamming comments were on my salute to the World Trade Center. Some people just suck.
When I got home, Michel told me that she was feeling very ill and wanted to go over to the ER. So we grabbed the kids and drove over. Once Michel was checked in we gave her some money and our new portable DVD player along with some I Love Lucy DVDs and I took the kids home. Michel was released in the middle of the night and she decided to walk home! It's only a 15 minute walk but still... Anyway, her neurosurgeon's office called and he doesn't think it is related to the shunt so the search for the source of the pain continues.
In general, Beth has wonderful taste in music. Her favorite groups are The Ramones and The Clash, two groups that Michel and I both love. We watched a TV program on the old punk rock scene and Beth was fascinated by the punk groups like The Dead Kennedys and Black Flag. So even though Beth is OK with liking the music we like, she doesn't want us to like the music she likes... if that makes any sense.
The group Evanescence is a group that Beth and I both enjoy although she doesn't mind that I like them. The lead singer, Amy Lee, has a very nice voice and the music is well done. The group learned the lesson of Nirvana and goes for the slow start, fast and loud finish.
Green Day, though, is a group that I really like but that Beth doesn't want me to like. What I like about them is that they are more like the old punk groups only with more musical talent. ;-) Their songs are political, reminding me of songs like "Bonzo Goes To Bitburg" by The Ramones or "Holiday in Cambodia" by The Dead Kennedys. "Holiday" is a solid punk rock song about the evils of the Bush administration. Even if you are a GWB fan, punk is supposed to be anti-government so that is irrelevant.
The best part of this is that Beth is truly developing her own style. Her musical taste is her own and is not simply a rehash of whatever her friends like. Beth is definitely her own unique individual with her own likes and dislikes and is not just a member of the crowd. She makes me proud.
Update I: Beth read this and agreed with the statement, "I think Beth actually likes that I don't like her music. She's just a few weeks away from being a teenager and she needs some independence... something that is hers and not her parents."
Update II: Beth reminded me that "Know Your Rights" by The Clash is another good example of a political song.
Update: if you blog about BAFAB week, you could win 4 books!
Mikey's first day was a full day. Because we changed his school so late, the bus wasn't settled so Michel had to drive Mikey to school. She said that Mikey went right off to his class without any complaint. He had a great day in school and his teacher said that he was right on target. He sat and observed everyone and didn't have any issues or problems during the day. I think that this school is the absolutely right choice for Mikey.
Mikey came home to his new big boy bed and his first night home he jumped in and went to sleep without any trouble at all. We did put a gate at his door because we are afraid he might wander off if he woke up in the middle of the night.
So everyone survived camp week and we are getting ready for school. Michel went to the CSE meeting the other day and everyone agreed that Mikey should go to AHRC. Now we are all set for a great year.
They told us that Mikey was adjusting very well otherwise. He slept in a regular bed although the counselor did push his bed up against Mikey's bed because Mikey wouldn't stay put and it did take Mikey awhile to fall asleep. Mikey has been sleeping in a crib at home because we were worried about him not staying in bed and wandering off. With the adjustment to a bed at camp, we thought this would be a good opportunity to get Mikey a bed. So Mikey will have a surprise when he gets home.